Your credit report plays an important role in your ability to qualify for loans and other types of financing programs. Request a freecredit report once every 12 months from each of the nationwide consumer credit reporting companies: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.
Fight identity theft by monitoring and reviewing your credit report. You may request your free credit report online, request your report by phone or request your report through the mail. Free credit reports requested online are viewable immediately upon authentication of identity. Free credit reports requested by phone or mail will be processed within 15 days of receiving your request.
Some business grants may be available through state and local programs, nonprofit organizations and other groups. These grants are not necessarily free money, and usually require the recipient to match funds or combine the grant with other forms of financing such as a loan. Grants from the federal government are only available to non-commercial organizations and local programs, non-profit organizations and other groups. Find Grants
Use our Loans and Grants Search Tool to get a list of financing programs for which you may qualify. Note: Most small businesses do not qualify for government grants. Learn more on our Facts About Government Grants page. Who is Eligible for a Grant
We have all seen them; late night infomercials, websites, and reference guides, advertising “millions in free money” Don’t believe the hype! Although there are many grants on, few of them are available to individuals and none of them are available for personal financial assistance.
Foundation Center
The Foundation Center is the world’s leading source of information on philanthropy, fundraising, and grant programs.
SBA participates in a number of loan programs designed for business owners who may have trouble qualifying for a traditional bank loan. The USDA works in partnership with the private sector and community-based organizations to provide financial assistance and business planning.
SBA Loans
If you’re planning to start a business or expand an existing business, you might need financing help. SBA participates in a number of loan programs designed for business owners who may have trouble qualifying for a traditional bank loan.
Business Loan Checklist
The SBA is not your only source for small business loans. State and local economic development agencies as well as numerous nonprofit organizations provide low-interest loans to small business owners who may not qualify for traditional commercial loans.
Search for Loans, Grants and Financing
Fill out this form to find financing for your small business. This form provides a guide to programs for which you may be eligible.
Along with debt-based loans there are a variety of financing options available through bank and non-bank lenders. Your Credit Union Locator
A federal credit union is a cooperative, not-for-profit financial institution organized to promote thrift and provide credit to its members (who are also its customers). Federal credit union members are provided with a safe, convenient place to save and borrow at reasonable rates.
FDIC: Bank Find
FDIC Bank Find allows you to locate a single FDIC-insured institution by entering one or more of the criteria. If more than one institution meets the criteria you enter, you will be provided with a list of institutions that met your criteria.
Small Business Financial Calculators
Confidently making the right financial decision is easy when you use our variety of financial calculators. Our calculators take in to consideration a number of factors depending upon your financials goals and needs.
Bizfinance: How to Get a Loan for a Startup Business
You have a good idea and a lot of enthusiasm for a new business but you need money, probably in the form of a business loan. How do you get a business loan for a startup business?
chron: Alternative Financing for a Small Business
Creative entrepreneurs and investors have used technology and relationships to create numerous forms of alternative financing for small businesses.
Buying or Leasing Equipment
When starting a business, you want the most cost-efficient options to help you keep expenses low. When it comes to equipment, sometimes leasing it, instead of buying it, can be the best option.
In addition to investing their own assets, small business start-ups will usually turn to family and friends. Angel investors may be an option, but typically for high-growth businesses.
North Texas Angel Network
NTAN is a Texas non-profit corporation that seeks quality deals for angel investors to consider. We are a part of a statewide network of angel groups that cooperate on deals across Texas.
Angel Association Network
ACA does not review business plans or provide financing to companies and cannot introduce you or your business to an angel group or other investor. Please do not send us business plans. However, we do have several resources in this section for you.
CrunchBase is the free database of technology companies, people, and investors
Venture Capital for Startups & High Growth Technology Companies
Venture capital is a type of equity financing that addresses the funding needs of entrepreneurial companies that for reasons of size, assets, and stage of development cannot seek capital from more traditional sources, such as public markets and banks. Venture capital investments are generally made as cash in exchange for shares and an active role in the invested company.
There are scores of crowdfunding sites, but all sites are not created equal. Some specialize in nonprofits, or in certain types of products; others offer consulting services in addition to sourcing funding. In an increasingly crowded and complicated marketplace, where should you turn to fund your endeavor?
Kickstarter is focused on creative projects. We’re a great way for artists, filmmakers, musicians, designers, writers, illustrators, explorers, curators, performers, and others to bring their projects, events, and dreams to life.